



______ 2. If you win the biggest prize翻譯社 how much money can you win? 

step 1
   Let stdudents watch the story clip for the first time.


(A)   A prize. (B) A question. (C) A quiz show.

Part Four Please summarize Dialogue with at least five sentences.


[place] Computer Classroom 上課地點:電腦教室


這是一個結合聽力與口說的教學活動,名稱叫做 "Face to face game"
學生兩人一組 one is A, and the other one is B

1. Student A has to be face to face with student B.
2. Student B can look at the screen on which there are questions (and answers.)
    Student A can not look at the screen, i.e. student A has to look at the wall or
    the other direction.
3. Student B has to read out the questions to student A, and student A has to 
    listen carefully and then speak out the correct answers.
4. If student A speaks out the wrong answer翻譯社 student B can give him or her
    some clues and ask student A to do it again.
5. Student A changes the role with studnet B and do the step 1-4 again.


Teaching steps:

Download the worksheet
   當他們在聽第二遍時翻譯社 請他們將老師發下去的graphic organizer完成故事重述
[time] 45 minutes 時間:一堂課四十五分鐘



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May 3,2012

Listening training: The dog and its reflection

Listening training:
The dog and its reflection

第三部門則為listening comprehension check問題



Answer the following questions after listening to Dialogue.


jenwenwu 發表於 樂多│ 20:18 │ 回應(0) │ 引用(0) │標籤:listening

April 30,2012

November 2,2013

獅子與老鼠The lion and the mouse


1. slideshare載點
Check the link to download the worksheet.

2. Google載點

接著請他們把story map設計適合之圖形翻譯社 畫在海報上

Part One                             


n  請聽CD中此對話, 將對話中提到的最高級形容詞寫下來。

以下列進修單part two

1. Appuseries頻道 良多故事, 值得參考

2. BBC Learning English 影片不長翻譯社 合適天天上課播小片斷喔!

3. Cambridge UPELT  
    Cambridge University Press
4. Engvid 免費線上課程!! 也可以讓老師參考如何全英語講解文法之好頻道喔!

   A: __________________________


Face to Face Game

Students' worksheets: 

Step 3:








step 3
   Give students the worksheet of the graphic organizer. Ask them to retell what happened first, next and last in the story. Meanwhile, write about their pictures on the line. 

Teacher Fortuna此次上第四冊第五課有關第一流的對話翻譯社 想練習孩子們的耳朵, 練練聽力翻譯社 有時刻, 說話的輸入, 還是得透過聲音翻譯社 不斷給input翻譯社 才會有output, 而且聽力的養成, 是日積月累的, 而針對聽力考試, 也沒有辦法速成翻譯社 但可以透過平居教員的策略指導,  讓孩子們的聽力愈來愈好翻譯



[teaching goals]
  1. Enhance students listening abilities by watching the video clip of the interesting story on youtube.  藉由旁觀youtube上the lion and the mouse的故事提升學生英語聽力

n  請聽CD中此對話, 將對話中提到的動物寫下來。

2. Students write down the key words they hear from the clip. 

 3. Three to four people forming a group discuss the summary of the story.
 4. Students work together to summarize the story.


 5. Their worksheets are cheched out by the teacher.

   A: ____________________________

並完成此故事之story map
step 2
   Stdudents work in pairs and watch it for the second time by controling the speed of playing the clip on their own. 
   讓學生兩人一組, 自己控制電腦影片的播放速度, 再聽一遍

______ 3. Is Nick very good at science?            

More PowerPoint presentations from JenWen Wu

jenwenwu 揭曉於 樂多│ 23:33 │ 回應(0) │ 援用(0) │標籤:listening and speaking

March 28,2012


這裡供給幾個Youtube的頻道, 做為英語聽力的教材

(A) Yes, he is. (B) No, he isn’t. (C) We don’t know.

    As a teacher翻譯社 to believe in students is very important. If we think they are able to finish the task with autonomy learning, they will. I really enjoy the work of my students. I also learn a lot from them. It's really a must to help and teach them how to solve problems.

  2. Practice summarizing the story by writing. 透過寫作練習故事摘要的能力

一向很喜好伊索寓言故事,網路上有良多相幹的影片,而聽力策略講授,不需要花良多時候來教,但一定要常常實習,是以不到兩分鐘的影片對我來說,就是最好的教材,我用了The dog and its reflection短片當題材,讓學生演習故事排序、寫關鍵字並練習故事摘要,或許20-25分鐘,教員的指導很主要,進展老師授課也都儘量要全英語授課,再搭配網路相幹英語媒體的利用,相信三年下來,學生的英語聽力必然會愈來愈好的喔!

n  CD將會播放此對話兩次。

[video clip]
   The lion and the mouse

jenwenwu 發表於 樂多│ 9:59 │ 回應(0) │ 引用(0) │標籤:listening

April 7翻譯社2012

jenwenwu 揭曉於 樂多│ 16:46 │ 回應(0) │ 援用(0) │標籤:story,writing,listening

November 14翻譯社2012

[Story Map] Winnie the Witch and Wilbur

[Story Map]
Winnie the Witch and Wilbur
[Listening activity]
  Story: The lion and the mouse

起首, 哄騙書商給的電子書光碟, 有每課對話動畫, 並且還可以把英文和中文字幕選擇封閉或開啟,
這堂課的活動利用此學習單來出現與指導, 首先, 請孩子看動畫翻譯社 寫出對話中提到的第一流形容詞。
   如下列學習單part one

‎ 1. Watch the story clip on Youtube: he dog and its reflection. Students try to write down the numbers of the story seqence.

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